Helps trainees to learn to manipulate ultrasound probe and develop hand-eye coordination
Tutors and administrators have full access to set-up programmes and manage trainees
Realistic scanning experience with over 1000 real cases
Our ‘virtual’ tutor, replicates learning with an expert in the room
Real-time assessment
Full anatomy, real patient scans replicate what a student would see on a real ultrasound
Since implementing ScanTrainer into our programs, not a single student has failed the transvaginal obstetrics and gynaecology module.
ScanTrainer uses haptic devices alongside virtual patients with realistic landmarks to replicate multiple patient shapes. In this way, the system’s fifteen different virtual patients replaces the need for fifteen manikins.
Full anatomy real patient scans replicate what a student would see on a real ultrasound machine concurrent with ALL planes probe movement.
Tutors and administrators have full access to set-up programmes and manage trainee accounts at a time and place to suit them and their busy schedules.
Our case generator, available for systems on the cloud, enables tutors to upload their own scans and create their own patient cases, allowing further scanning opportunities for trainees and increased variety of abnormalities and pathology.
ScanTrainer Examine brings all newly mastered theoretical and practical ultrasound skills together into an assessment tool to test students’ diagnostic skills.