Fully enclosed, "state of the art" featured, safe and highly reliable, the TP-300 is our answer for the day-by-day tissue processing needs of every Histology laboratory.
Designed to be "User Friendly" the TP-300 is a real companion of the lab technicians.
- - HMI software: user friendly. simple and clear
- - Available software languages: Chinese, English, German,
Italian, Spanish, French, Polish, Czech, Portuguese.
- Reagent Management System:for reagents, waxes. filters
-Wax Cleaning Cycle: efficient on site system
- Reagent Agitation: user selectable
- Remote Fill/Drain automatic for reagents and purge agents
-Data backup on USB port
-User interface: LCD 15" color monitor with Touch Screen
- Process Programs: 18
- Delay: up to 14 days
- Reverse processing spécial program
- Process End Time mngt: for every program. with auto-store
- Purge programs: 1 factory optimized, 3 custom
- Charcoal filters: 2. easy substitution and safe handling
- Anti-blackout and power failure device
- Remote alarm socket
- Sample Processing Chamber fume aspiration
- Easy maintenance and service
Technical data
-Rating: 100-240V 50/60Hz
-Max power: 1000 W
-Weight: 154 Kg (empty)
-Dimensions in mm: H 1300. W 720. D 600
-Running ambient temperature: +10 / +35 *C
-IEC1010 classification: Protective Class 1
-Max élévation: 2500 mis
-Températures control précision: +/- 1°C
-Paraffin waxes: 4 + 1 reserve - volume 2.513.2 I
-Wax Melting time: 8 hours
-Wax working temperature range: +55° / +65 °C
-Sample Processing Chamber capacity: 300 STD cassettes
-Sample Processing Chamber completely stainless Steel made
-Sample baskets: 2x 150 STD cassettes each with carrier