Fully enclosed, "state of the art" featured, safe and highly reliable, the Intelsint EFTP Plus is the safest and most cost effective answer for the FAST BIOPSIES PROCESSING and the overnight tissue processing needs of every Histology laboratory.
The EFTP Plus is the fastest non-microwave tissue processor today available. Up to 450 biopsies can be safely processed in 40 minutes. This result can be achieved with traditional reagents or with most of the Xylene and Ethyl alcohol substitutes available on the market.
The reagents heating is safely performed during their filling into the sample processing chamber without any delay by a patented device called EHE (Enhanced Heat Exchanger). Only three reagents (plus fixation) are necessary to succesfully and rapidly process biopsies. Every sample is evenly warmed at the desired temperature since the very beginning of each processing step. Any risk of overheating is avoided thanks to the special conformation and the multiple safety devices of the EHE.
New features on the Plus Model:
Backlighted reagent tanks to facilitate the evaluation of the reagent leve inside the tank
Backlight with color change related to the satus of the reagent:
Greeen color = Reagent good
Red color = Reagent need to be changed
RFID sensor on each tank (12 sensors per instrument) to check:
Tank present/not present
Tank in correct/uncorrect position
Tank inserted currectly/not inserted correctly
Tank containing the correct reagent for that position (only for tanks prefilled in the factory with Intelsint tag)