Together, your da Vinci surgeon console and endoscope optics deliver an immersive surgical experience. With highly-magnified 3DHD vision and true depth perception, you can see tissue planes clearly, identify structures and stay oriented in the anatomy. We’re committed to designing advanced vision technologies that help you see beyond the capability of the naked eye.
Firefly fluorescence imaging
Navigate with real-time, image-guided identification of key landmarks. Firefly is our integrated fluorescence capability that uses near-infrared technology. The da Vinci endoscope triggers injected dye to fluoresce, activated at the surgeon console. Turn on Firefly mode when you need it, with full control.
Take advantage of image clarity using a lightweight focus-free endoscope, controlled at the surgeon console. Da Vinci 3DHD is enabled by advanced digital optics in innovative tip-mounted cameras. And a new generation of fully wristed cameras is available on the single-port da Vinci SP system.