It is a non-invasive treatment method used in deep chronic musculoskeletal problems.
The focusing mechanism directs each shock to a specific point in the body. Separate heads can be used to provide the energy depth. Focused shock waves can target deeper tissues more precisely by propagating all of the energy within the tissue. This is why local pain points, chronic insertional tendinopathies, bone stress injuries, and deep trigger points are best treated with focused shock waves. Patients who cannot tolerate radial treatments for acute injuries can also going to benefit from focused shock wave therapy.
Shock wave therapy is a frequently preferred method in the veterinary medicine, neurology, urology, cardiology, sports medicine, dermatology and aesthetics but especially in the fields of orthopedics and physical therapy.
The non–invasive principle of that the system, does not require anesthesia and surgery. The patient can continue his/her daily routine after the session.
Features of the Focused Product
Impulses up to 4 Hz and 0.25mJ
Head options that provide shock wave transmission with a penetration depth of 0 - 80 mm
Power adjustment up to 25 levels
Portable, anywhere, anytime treatment
Ready-made treatment programs and visual, written and video narrative information (Indications and Pathological Applications Guide)
Archive support for the user with patient registration and follow-up menu
Ability to change Frequency and Power settings during treatment.
The parameters set during the treatment can be easily seen on the device screen and changes can be made during the treatment.
Generator and handpiece unit does not require maintenance.