Product for use in the quantitative determination in vitro of the concentration of the
Glucose in human serum or plasma. The results of the test must always be interpreted
in conjunction with the clinical context. For professional use only.
Glucose is the result of the chemical decomposition of carbohydrates introduced in the
diet and is the primary source of energy for the human organism. When the energetic
intake is greater than the energy used, the glucose in excess is converted into fat and
glycogen which will be deposited in the form of energy reserves, in the adipose tissue,
in the liver and muscles. The glucose concentration in human blood is regulated, within
a narrow range, by the action of regulatory hormones such as insulin, glucagon or
epinephrine. The most widespread disorder of carbohydrate metabolism is diabetes
mellitus, which is evidenced by high blood glucose levels.
In accordance with Trinder’s reaction, glucose oxidase (GOD) oxidates glucose to
gluconic acid with the formation of hydrogen peroxide, which in the presence of
peroxidase (POD), 4-aminophenazone and phenol gives rise to a coloured compound,
the intensity of which is directly proportional to the glucose concentration in the sample.