Beta Boxes Complex
Glove box complex for the handling of radiopharmaceuticals based on beta-emitters
The Beta Boxes Complex is for the handling of Y-90-compounds and other high-energy beta-emitter. It is designed for the GMP-compliant preparation, process and dispensing of Y-90-radiopharmaceuticals up to 30 GBq. The Beta Boxes Complex consists of three interconnected acrylic glass boxes with glove ports. Inward/outward transfer and transfer between the boxes are realised by double locks. Laminar air flow ensures grade A respectively B conditions inside the complex for all the critical process stages.
The operator is supported by local shieldings and manipulation equipment to optimize handling and to essentially reduce radiation exposure, especially to the hands.
We will customize the design and all dimensions of the Beta Boxes Complex on your request regarding your intended process and/or your physical conditions.
Customised dimensions
Integrated dose rate monitoring system
Integrated dose calibrator
Local shieldings made of lead, acrylic glass or lead glass