What if you could identify high risk patients at the earliest stage of their cardiovascular disease - would you treat them differently?
The EndoPAT®️X – the latest generation of EndoPAT®️ - is a CE marked test for non-invasive assessment of Endothelial Dysfunction (arterial health); clinically proven by leading cardiologists through prestigious peer-reviewed studies as a valuable tool in cardiovascular risk stratification beyond commonly used tests.
This new generation of EndoPAT®️offers a user-friendly experience especially through new product design and interface.
PAT®️ technology is a non-invasive window to the cardiovascular system and autonomic nervous system. Peripheral Arterial Tone (PAT®️) signal is a proprietary technology used for non-invasively measuring arterial tone changes in peripheral arterial beds.
The PAT®️ signal is measured from the fingertip by recording finger arterial pulsatile volume changes.
Based on PAT®️ technology, the non-invasive EndoPAT system comprises a measurement apparatus that supports a pair of modified plethysmographic
The unique feature of the PAT®️ bio-sensors is that they impart a uniform sub-diastolic pressure field to the distal two-thirds of the fingers including their tips.
Endothelial Dysfunction
For more than a decade endothelial dysfunction has been recognized by the medical community as the critical junction between risk factors and clinical disease. It is the earliest detectable stage of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, it is treatable, and unlike the atherosclerotic plaque that it causes, it is even reversible.