24-channel EEG system IX-EEG iWorx
medical research EEGwith EEG mappingwith neurofeedback evaluation

24-channel EEG system
24-channel EEG system
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Number of channels
medical research EEG
with EEG mapping, with neurofeedback evaluation, with evoked potential monitoring, with electromyography, with neurostimulation


iWorx EEG System The EEG system consists of the IX-EEG recorder and the LabScribe acquisition and analysis software, including the EEG analysis module. The IX-EEG is a 24 Channel Recorder for measuring 20 channels of EEG, two Bio Potential Channels, a GSR Channel and an Event Marker simultaneously from a single human subject. The EEG is recorded using a 10-20 system EEG cap with Silver-SilverChloride electrodes. The recorder is furnished with LabScribe3 Software with the EEG Analysis Module and connects directly to a USB port on either a Macintosh or Windows computer. The EEG and GSR electrodes are connected to the subject by snap-leads to pre-gelled Ag/AgCl electrodes. The IX-EEG requires an EEG cap such as : A-EEG-CAPSYS. The system is Suitable for recording and measuring: ■ ERP: Event Related Potentials ■ EDA: Electrodermal Activity (Skin Conductance) ■ EEG: Electroencephalography ■ EMG: Electromyography ■ ECG: Electrocardiogram ■ EOG: Electro-oculogram IX-EEG Specifications Recorder • 19 Channels of EEG, using a 10-20 EEG cap (Ag-AgCl electrodes recommended) • 2 Biopotential Channels for ECG, EMG, EOG etc. • 1 GSR or Skin Conductance Channel Analog Inputs • 1 Event Marker Channel Input Range • ±180mV • <1 uV p-p input shorted noise at 100 s/sec System noise • <2 uV p-p input shorted noise at 500 s/sec Montages • User defined in software Software • LabScribe™ Recording and Analysis Software


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