SkyeWare™ 4 API is JADAK’s quick and powerful, intuitive interface included with ThingMagic® HF modules (not applicable for other frequency modules); a redesigned approach for developers to accelerate their RFID application development by providing a comprehensive PC development environment allowing the immediate testing of code on connected modules.
SkyeWare™ 4 API development environment provides a flexible and robust design, production, and evaluation platform supporting multiple quick launch demonstrations leading to rapid proof-of-concepts.
The API is robust enough to cover optimization of environmental conditions, such as read range and anti-collision, pinpointing the best fitting tags for the target application while offering security for proprietary branded tags and standards-based security for generic tags: designed for OEMs who build for high privacy protection, anti-counterfeiting, and anti-tampering applications like the Defense or Financial Services industry, and who require complete customizable control over how data is shared.
Security measures include: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA), MIFARE, DESFire and CryptoRF.
Flexible enough for pilot and production designs in support of nearly any application
Fast and easy completion of reader evaluations
Quick launch of multiple demonstrations
Easy-to-use, common interface for configuring and testing multiple tag types
Clear visibility of tag data on multiple tag types
TagIQ™ recognizes the unique characteristics of each tag so that read/write performance is maximized