FT/IR-8X is JASCO’s most advanced FTIR spectrometer, to date with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio (55,000 : 1) and the highest resolution (0.07 cm-1).
The 8X is a highly configurable optical system is applicable to virtually any FTIR application, from simple Mid IR measurement to much more complex analysis in the near and far IR. Research-based measurements are easily performed using the FT/lR-8X spectrometers with options such as emission port optics, external detectors, full-vacuum, step scan.
User-exchangeable components combined with full automation make it possible to perform spectral measurement from 25,000 cm-1 to less than 20 cm-1 without touching the system.
Multi Detector
User exchangeable beam splitters and windows
Expandable Wavelength Range
The standard spectrometer uses Ge/KBr beam-splitter with KRS-5 windows and a DLaTGS detector (also with KRS-5 window) for a spectral range 7,800 to 350 cm-1. There is a wide range of options to select part or all of the spectral range from 25,000 to 20 cm-1, including fully automated beam-splitter and window exchange for unattended operation. With the widest choice of optical materials, a wide spectral range can be covered using a minimum number of components including a combination of new broad-band beam splitter, window and detector materials covering the mid-IR to far-IR
Nitrogen Purge and Evacuation
A multi-zone N2 purge system is included as standard to minimize the interference from environmental gases and vapors (CO2 and H20 elimination algorithms are also included).