The latest version of ChromNAV 2.0 HPLC software is a simple to use, and powerful Chromatography Data System (CDS) . The highly configurable graphical-user-interface (GUI) can be quickly set up to display only the functions necessary for your use. Users can quickly learn the operation and explore the extensive functionality for instrument control and data processing.
ChromNAV 2.0 is a universal CDS which can be used with any type of analytical separation, including: HPLC, UHPLC, GPC, SFC and preparative HPLC & SFC. Check out the complete suite of option applications below.
ChromNAV Lite – for acquisition only from a single detector
ChromNAV CFR – fully 12 CFR part II compliant version of ChromNAV, with electronic signature and complete audit trail
ChromNAV CMS – integrated control of a single quadrapole MS detector for both LC and SFC
ChromNAV-GPC – an add in for controlling a GPC system and calculating molecular weights
ChromNAV-Heparins – a dedicated app for estimation of molecular weight of low molecular mass heparins
ChromNAV Method Scouting – automated method development app for unattended column and solvent screening for both HPLC and SFC
ChromNAV-Fraction Controller – for controlling fraction collection either by open bed fraction collector or fixed fraction valve, using timed events and threshold triggering
ChromNAV-Stacked Injections – an app for preparative HPLC and SFC for stacked injections
Powerful System Control for Method Development
ChromNAV 2.0 offers flexible system control and data acquisition with options for 2D (or up to 4D) gradient control and multi-zone oven control (up to 3) for method development.