The RMP-500 Series ‘field-rugged’ probe Raman spectrometer with a robust optical design and tolerance to being transported. The spectral performance (2 cm-1) is comparable to that of a conventional high-resolution bench-top Raman system and offers many of the same features, such as interchangeable gratings for selecting wave number range and spectral resolution.
Spectra Manager™ Suite simplifies data collection and analysis, and can be used with the optional KnowItAll® Informatics for library searching and user sample database creation.
System Features
The RMP-500 Series is a small, high-resolution Raman instrument that provides laboratory quality data in a compact field-rugged design.
Laser Wavelength
A single (or dual) laser can be configured, with standard options, Each with matching edge filter.
The grating can be selected according to the required wavenumber range of interest, with a carousel for selection of up to 4 gratings.
Fiber Optic Probes
Various types of fiber-optic probes can be used for remote in-situ measurement and reaction monitoring. With options for a simple measurement probe or with a camera for recording the sample image.
An optional microscope includes a manual stage with a camera for observation and recording sample images.
Spectra Manager™ Suite Cross-Platform Software
Spectra Manager™ Suite for control and analysis (this can be used with a laptop for portable applications – a USB 2 connection is required).
Validation software is included.
Monochromator - Spectrograph; Czerny-Turner type monochromator f=200 mm