Recently, it has been widely accepted that even relatively few unpaired electrons in a sample can affect the function of the material, so lower detection limits (higher sensitivity) is required of ESR measurements.
The ESR spectrometer JES-X3 series has an improved a low-noise Gunn oscillator providing a 30% improvement in sensitivity compared to previous models.
Improved sensitivity with the ultra-low noise Gunn oscillator
Built-in microwave frequency counter
Intuitive user interface
Various automatic measurement modes
3 types of magnets to suit the application
Zero cross-field sweep function
Wide variety of attachments
Variation of ESR line shape with temperature
Paramagnetic vacancy of synthetic quartz glass
Magnetic nanoparticles and superparamagnetic resonance (2) "Structure and electronic states of magnetic nanoparticles"
Magnetic nanoparticles and superparamagnetic resonance (1) "Size effects"
Introduction of Dual Mode Cavity (ES-14040DMC)
Observation of forbidden transitions in Mn (III) porphyrin complexes
Introduction of sample angular rotation device (ES-12010)
Electrolytic ESR - Quantity dependence of supporting electrolyte -
Electrolytic ESR - Time and Voltage dependence for Anthraquinone anion-
Electrolytic ESR - Time and Voltage dependence for p-Benzoquinone anion -