The ECZR NMR spectrometer (JNM-ECZR series), a member of the JNM-ECZ series of instruments, is a new research system that fully incorporates the latest digital and high frequency technologies. rosette_wraply reliable, yet in a more compact size made possible by incorporating advanced integrated circuits, it supports even greater expandability options than current models for multi-channel operation, high power amplifiers and other accessories. The bus line for control of attachments has been upgraded to even higher speed and enables highly accurate and rapid control.
Spectrometer Control Computer
The JNM-ECZ spectrometer control computer(SCC) is a high performance computer with large capacity hard disc, and is used for execution of pulse sequences, signal-to-noise calculation during measurement, storage of data, data processing, etc. are all possible and independent of the workstation.
All measured data is written to the SCC hard disc without fail, thus the SCC also serves as a data server.
Even if there is any kind of failure to the workstation computer or network during sequential measurements, all measurements that were submitted will be executed normally and the results will be written to the SCC’s disc.
Even in a multi-user environment where many users require different measurements and processing, stable operation of the instrument is assured.
The sequencer controls RF, lock and PFG channels during pulse sequence execution. The JNM-ECZR spectrometer can use multiple slave sequencers which control each of these channels, and a master sequencer which synchronizes all slave sequencers.