NMR software ‘Delta’ is the standard software for the JNM-ECZR/JNM-ECZS/JNM-ECA/JNM-ECX/JNM-ECS/JNM-ECA II/JNM-ECX II series instruments. The newest version of Delta 5, is a user-friendly software including an optimized GUI,a multi-user interface, multi-language support and features enhanced automation. A wide range of modern data processing functions are implemented e.g. Covariance NMR, Projection-Reconstruction, DOSY, ROSY, etc.
Object-oriented, multi-dimensional data manipulation
Digital filtering
Fourier transform
Multi-dimensional phasing
Notch and high-pass filter
Linear prediction, BLIP and FLIP
Baseline correction
Automatic peak detection
Data presentation and plotting
Data format import and export utilities
Delta runs on the multiple platforms: WINDOWS®and Mac OSX.
The Delta NMR software can be obtained in either of two ways: Purchased or obtained as a free trial version.
Purchasing Delta
Delta NMR software is not sold as a separate, stand-alone software package. It is sold integrated with a PC that has been certified by JEOL to run the programs correctly. For further information, contact a sales representative or submit an inquiry from this site.
Using the free trial version