Acquisition and processing from A to Z
Guided experiences
Choice of display mode
With the multispectro software, visualize, measure, compare, exploit your data, and create your reports in the same software environment.
Technical characteristics
This software is embedded in the SOFI2 and SpectrOvio2 spectrophotometers. Simply plug in your device, it will run automatically.
This version, installable on a computer, allows you to process already acquired data without needing to connect your spectrophotometer.
It is provided with the SOFI2 (ref. 202 895 and 202 896)/SpectrOvio2 (ref. 204 603 and 204 601) spectro(photo)meters.
It also enables control of the SOFI1 spectrophotometer (ref. 202 856 and 202 858) as well as the SPID spectrophotometers (ref. 202 807 and 202 808).
Compatibility: XP/VISTA/SEVEN/8 - 32 and 64 bits.