Disposable Endoscope Linear Cutting Staplers and Components consists of “Endoscope Linear Cutting Staplers” and “Endoscope Linear Cutting components”. Depending on the type of the handle, driven length in a firing and rubber insulation of fixed handle, 8 models available: ①Model ED12: slip-proof, single-handle, rubber-insulated, standard driven length; ② Model ED12T: slip-proof, single-handle, standard driven length; ③Model ED12K: slip-proof, single-handle, rubber-insulated, lengthened driven length; ④Model ED12KT: slip-proof, single-handle, lengthened driven length; ⑤ Model ED12D45: double-handle, rubber-insulated, driven length of 45 mm; ⑥ ED12D45T: double-handle, driven length of 45 mm; ⑦ED12D60: double-handle, rubber-insulated, driven length of 60 mm; ⑧ED12D60T: double-handle, driven length of 60 mm. Based on the length of sleeve, the Linear Cutting Stapler is categorized into 3 specifications: Type C (basic shaft length), Type S (shortened shaft length) and Type L (Lengthened shaft length).
Components are classified into several models depending on the availability of cutter, anvil (for component with cutter only) and structure of reload, and several specifications depending on stapling line length and staple height. Components without cutter are used together with double-handle endoscope linear cutting stapler, while components with cutter are used with single-handle one (standard driving stapler does not fit cutting components of 75).