— Rapid Scanning
— Full Area Scan
— Widespread Application
Open System
STL\PLY common format data,compatible with EXOCAD\3SHAPE and other design software.
Widespread Application
Articulator\Implant abutment\Implant bridge\Full denture
High Resolution
2*1.3Mpa cameras
the absolute accuracy<10μm
repeated accuracy<2μm
Full Area Scan
100*100*75mm,wider scan area, minium scanning angle as low as 8°
Technical Specification
3D scanning area - 100*100*75mm
Camera - 1.3Mpa*2
Output format - STLPLY
Connection method - USB 3.0
Ambient temp. - 10~30℃
Design software - EXOCAD3SHAPE
Power - 24V DC
Application - Full-archModel with diesImpressionArticulatorImplant abutmentImplant
bridgeFull denture
Recommended PC Configuration
CPU - Intel Core i7-11000 or higher
RAM - 16GB or more
Hard Disk Drive - 521 GB SSD or above
GPU(graphic card) - NVIDIA RTX 2050 6GB DDR4 or higher
Operating System - Windows 10 Professional(64-bit) or later version of windows operating systems
Screen Resolution - 1920x1080, 60Hz or higher
I/O Ports - More than 2 Type-A USB3.0(or higher)ports