Sample Volume: 13μl (whole blood), 20μl (prediluted blood)
Measuring Principle: Electro-impedance, photometric analysis
Parameter: WBC, LY, LY%, MO, MO%, GR, GR%, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, MPV, PCT, PDW, WBC histograms, RBC, histograms, PLT histograms
Linearity Range: WBC:0.0-99.9(X 10⁹/L) HGB:0.0-300(g/L) -
RBC:0.0-9.99(X 10¹²/L) PLT:0-999(X 10⁹/L)
Accuracy (CV%) - : WBC≤ 2.0% - RBC≤1.5% - PCT≤ 3.0%
PLT≤5.0% - HGB≤1.5% - MPV≤ 3.0%
HCT≤2.0% - MCV≤1.0% - PDW≤ 3.0%
MCH≤2.0% MCHC≤2.0%
Display: LCD
Storage: 200,000 results including histograms
Output: One RS232, one PS/2 and two USB. Available for LIS
Printer: Built-in thermal printer, USB to external printer(optional)
Data Input: Keypad(mouse and keyboard available)
QC: Automatically calculates X, SD, CV% and saves data
Language: English and Spanish. Other language on request
Power Supply: AC 110V 60Hz or 220V 50Hz
【Our Advantages】
■ Easy to operate
■ Carry-over protection by automatic probe interior and exterior washing.
Both whole blood and prediluted blood test modes are available
Automatic self-checking and warning function
■ Clog prevention and maintenance function
■ Automatic standby function
■ Safe reagent without any harm to environment