This kit is used for in vitro qualitative detection of orthopox virus universal type and monkeypox virus nucleic acid in human rash fluid, nasopharyngeal swab, oropharyngeal swab and serum samples.
Poxviridae is a double-stranded DNA virus with the largest genome (175-225 kb) in the vira, of which orthopox virus (OPV) belongs to its first subgenus. Orthopox virus includes many viruses that can cause human disease, such as variola virus (VARV), monkeypox virus (MPV), cowpox virus (CPV) and vaccinia virus (VACV) ) and so on [1], in which both VARV and MPV can cause severe rash, fever and other clinical symptoms in the population, and are highly infectious [2]. The virus can also be transmitted from person to person, primarily through respiratory droplets during prolonged, direct face-to-face contact or through direct contact with a patient's body fluids or contaminated objects[3-4].
The test results of this kit are not the only indicator for the diagnosis of orthopox virus infection in patients. It must be combined with the clinical characteristics of the patient and other laboratory test data to correctly determine the infection of the pathogen, and formulate a reasonable treatment plan to make the treatment safe and effective.