This kit is used for in vitro qualitative detection of tuberculosis nucleic acid in sputum samples of suspected patients infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis with tuberculosis-related signs/symptoms and X-ray examination results, and other persons who need to be diagnosed or differentially diagnosed with mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
Mycobacterium culosis, referred to as Tubercle bacillus(TB), is a class of obligate aerobic bacteria with positive acid-fast staining. It is amastigote and has fimbriae and microcapsules but not forms spores. Its bacterial wall has neither teichoic acid of gram-positive bacteria, nor lipopolysaccharide of gram-negative bacteria. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is pathogenic to humans, is generally considered to be human, bovine, and African. Its pathogenicity may be related to the inflammation caused by the proliferation of bacteria in tissue cells, the toxicity of bacterial components and metabolites, and the immune damage to the bacterial components. Pathogenic substances are associated with capsules, lipids and proteins. Mycobacterium tuberculosis can invade susceptible organisms through the respiratory tract, digestive tract or skin injury, causing tuberculosis of various tissues and organs, of which the most common is pulmonary tuberculosis through the respiratory tract. It usually occurs in children, and presents with symptoms such as low-grade fever, night sweats, and a small amount of hemoptysis.