Short Description:
This kit is suitable for qualitative detection of Zaire Ebola virus nucleic acid in serum or plasma samples of patients suspected of Zaire Ebola virus (ZEBOV) infection.
Ebola virus belongs to Filoviridae, which is an unsegmented single-stranded negative-strand RNA virus. Viruses are long filaments with an average virion length of 1000nm and a diameter of about 100nm. The Ebola virus genome is an unsegmented negative-strand RNA with a size of 18.9kb, encoding 7 structural proteins and 1 non-structural protein. Ebola virus can be divided into types like Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai Forest and Reston. Among them, Zaire type and Sudan type have been reported to cause many people’s deaths from infection. EHF (Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever) is an acute hemorrhagic infectious disease caused by the Ebola virus. Humans are mainly infected by contact with body fluids, secretions and excreta of patients or infected animals, and the clinical manifestations are mainly protruding fever, bleeding and multiple organ damage. EHF has a high mortality rate of 50%-90%.
FAM - MP nucleic acid
Internal Control
Technical Parameters
Storage -
Shelf-life - 9 months
Specimen Type - Fresh serum、Plasma