EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor), belongs to the proto-oncogene, On the short arm of human chromosome 7, containing 28 exons. EGFR mutations associated with TKI drug reactivity are concentrated in exon 18-21. There are 29 common mutation types, Exon 19 deletion mutation and exon 21 L858R point mutation rate was the highest. About 45% of the 747-750 amino acids were missing from exon 19, delE746-A of which 750(2235-2249 del and 2236-2250 del) are most common. About 40-45% of 858 amino acid substitution mutations on exon 21; exon 18-point mutations (G719S or G719C) account for about 5%. Insertion mutations on exon 20 accounted for about 1% of the total. And some mutations are associated with TKI resistance, mutations T790M exon 20 result in TKI resistance in about 50% of patients.
[Intended Use]
This kit is used to detect epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) genes in cancer tissues of patients with malignant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The 29 mutations in exon 19, exon 21, exon 18, and exon 20. High specificity and sensitivity, A total of 29 mutation sites including drug sensitivity and drug resistance were covered.
[Product advantage]
It can be used to assist clinicians in screening patients with non-small cell lung cancer who can benefit from targeted drugs such as irissa (gefitinib), trokai (erlotinib), and kemena (ecotinib), etc.