The TearScience™ LipiFlow™ Thermal Pulsation System is a medical device used by physicians in addressing Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).
Key Features
Built for efficiency
A translucent design for proper positioning of TearScience™ Activator Clear.
Built with environment in mind
Redesigned TearScience™ Activator Clear, with fewer raw materials than its predecessor
Built for performance
Precise, automated, bilateral application of heat and pressure across entire lid.
Designed to Improve Gland Function
The TearScience™ LipiFlow™ Thermal Pulsation System consists of a console and a single-use sterile device, known as the Activator, and has a drug-free mechanism of action. Eye care professionals use the TearScience™ LipiFlow™ System to treat MGD patients in-office with confidence and efficiency.
Vectored Thermal Pulsation (VTP) uniquely applies heat and peristaltic motion to the eyelid to remove gland obstructions and stagnant gland content.
A vaulted design protects the cornea while multi-point sensors monitor and regulate heat and pressure throughout the treatment. This maximizes results and minimizes discomfort. Along with force equalization, the eye is protected from heat and pressure while a nominal therapeutic temperature of 42.5 degrees Celsius is applied directly to the inner eyelid where the glands are located, while protecting the eyelid or delicate structures of the globe.
Proprietary heating technology ensures precise temperature regulation with continuous feedback and consistent heat application to the meibomian glands. The insulated and vaulted design of the Activator protects the cornea from unsafe temperatures