The energy of Q-Switched ND:YAG Laser can be absorbed by the blue and black melanin.
The melanin will be fragmented so small that they can be metabolized by the lymphatic system
or be egested out of the body. Thus the tattoo or other pigmentations will be removed without injury
to normal tissue. The treatment is safe and convenient without downtime or side effects.
Traditional nanosecond lasers predominately reply on photothermal action, delivering heat on
pigment and surrounding tissue.
PicoSure takes advantage of Pressure WaveTechnology to shatter the target ink into tiny particles that are easily eliminated by the body.
1. Remove all kinds of the tattoo.
2. Remove pigmentation formed by pathological changes of pigment skin and mixed color dermis spot, fleck, black nevus, age pigment, birthmark and Nevus of Ota.
3. Remove all kinds of eyebrow tattoo, lip tattoo, eye line tattoo and lip line tattoo.
1) Reduced numbers of treatments needed
2) PicoSure does not damage your skin or surrounding tissue like previous lasers
3) World’s safest picosecond laser
4) PicoSure can treat all skin types
5) Size is small so easy to transport and operation