JuzoFlex® Hamburg Patella-Brace®, designed by Prof. v. Torklus, is a knee bandage that helps a great deal to relieve the patella by improving the tone of the extensor muscles.
Its prominent features are:-
- Adjustable infrapatellar strap that very well exerts pressure on the patellar tendon attachment.
-It has a bilateral spiral stays.
- Available with open and closed patella.
-Comes with a flexible middle portion.
-Because of LYCRA®, it is without latex.
Very important indications are:
-Osteochondrosis dissecans of the patella.
-So-called patellar apex syndrome.
-Chondromalacia patellae.
-Chondropathia patellae.
-Patella subluxation.
-Schlatter's disease.
-Degenerative patella arthritis.