Dimension of chair:1920mm±20mm×560mm±15mm
Head board turn:-10°~25°
Back board turn:28°~55°
Chair tilt:8°~12°
Leg board turn:0°~-90°
Arm board swing out:0°~45°
Arm board tilt:-15°~10°
Arm board sliding forward/back ward:100mm
Loading capacity:140kg
Chair weight:70kg
Product Description
The patient blood manual donation chair is for donor to siting and lying when he is making blood donation, it is used in hospital, blood center and blood station. Knghui create a user centred design for a new chair to enhance the donation experience and improve the whole process for support staff. The resulting design specification ensured that they achieved exactly what the service required, and at the optimum price.This represented a real innovation in the procurement process and a breakthrough in competitive tendering. Potential manufacturers benefit from a clear specification and the removal of the requirement to design and develop the products in isolation.The need for a totally new chair arose from several requirements, most of which were not being met by existing furniture. One of the major problems is the tendency for donors to faint during the donation process. The Main purpose and application scope about the blood donation chair with screen is applicable for hospital, blood center and blood station.