Back section turning:-15°~85°
Arm rest swing out:90°
Power :AC 220V 50HZ
Product Description
Up and down of gynecology chair .Stepping the button “Up” or “Down” on the “foot switch” to realize the gynecology chair up or down.Foot rest swing.Loose the adjust screw, refer to Fig.5. Hold foot rest and swing it out and tight the screw. Back section adjust.Press the “back section up” or “back section down” on the “foot switch” can realize back section up and down.Foot rest turning.Pull up the spanner and hold the foot rest at the same time, adjust the foot rest to proper position. Then loosen the spanner and foot rest.Your medical chair should provide the easiest access for your patients. This means a convenient, low height, and no obstructions around which the patient needs to negotiate to enter or exit. The electric-hydraulic gynecology examination chair is ideally suited to meet the needs of the Obstetric/Gynecologist, and at a fraction of the cost of competitors.