PharmaScope Soft helps clinicians and pharmacy staff to manage the IV chemotherapy workflow and to enhance medication safety, efficiency and traceability from ordering to administration process.
Signing up patients and order prescribing/planning
Auto-calculation of ordered amounts in different units
Partially used drug priority and drug loss reduction
Remote order check and approval tool for pharmacists
Detailed searching and documentation tools
Real-time vial and final container inventory review
Real-time monitoring and reporting of compounding activities
Assigning automated and manual compounding queues
Step-by-step user guidance during compounding process
Tracking all user events with detailed LOG records
Unique 2D barcode printout for final containers and vials
Custom-designed labels and reports per specific needs
Authorisation levels for each user type
Auto/manual database backup and restore options
Integration with HIS/EHR through HL7 and other protocols
Accessible from PharmaScope Onco device and any workstation/client