Portable & Compact Pocket Ophthalmoscope for Ward and GP use
Full diagnostic capacity in a compact instrument make the Pocket Ophthalmoscope ideal for the Practitioner on the move. An ideal choice for domiciliary and ward use or as a backup instrument.
Five beams for increased control over diagnostic functionality.
Pocket Otoscope
Portable & Compact Pocket Otoscope for Ward and GP use
Full diagnostic capacity in a compact instrument make the Pocket Otoscope ideal for the Practitioner on the move. An ideal choice for domiciliary and ward use or as a backup instrument.
Pocket Ophthalmoscope head
Pocket Otoscope head
Pocket Ophthalmoscope
Slimline design fits neatly in your pocket.
Lens powers range from +20D to -20D.
Strong metal clip that can be attached to a pocket.
Five diagnostic beams for full diagnostic capability.
Wide Angle - for general examination.
Macula - for more detailed views.
Intermediate - providing easier access for non-dilated pupils and in peripheral examination. Ideal for paediatrics.
Slit - to determine retinal elevations and depressions. Used to access the anterior chamber depth.
Fixation Cross when used in combination with the Red Free FilterB - projects a graticule onto the retina for assessment of eccentric fixation.
Swing over Green, Red Free, Filter.