Pressure therapy is a technique that gives a deep massage, thanks to the action of pressure through an air chamber, which is particularly effective in helping to activate the venous and lymphatic circulatory functionality improving local circulation, reducing swelling, muscle tension, stress and pain.
Acupressure Kinefis Pres-1000 Plus is a device simple to use and is recommended for those who suffer from:
- Water retention
- Stress and heavy legs
- Cellulite
- Edema and lymphoedema
Kinefis Pres-1000 Plus has a digital control console with LED indicators and timer 60 minutes. The pressure exerted because of the inflation and deflation of air chambers inside the boots create a sequential massage indicated for treatment of edema and diseases of the lower extremities; thanks to this massage, the tissue temperature is favored and increases blood flow. The chambers are inflated one at a time, starting from the bottom and reaching the groin.
The double tap connector allows simultaneous use of two boots; also with Kinefis Pres-1000 Plus you can adjust the speed of the cycles of inflation and deflation in 5 levels.
Technical Characteristics
- Pressure: 50 to 280mmHg
- 5 Adjust rate of inflation.
- Timer up to 60min
Supplied accessories
- 1 Pressotherapy
- 2 4 sections Boots
- 2 Business
- 1 connecting hose
- 1 Manual (English).
- Abdominal / Gluteo and a triple connector that will allow us to simultaneously use both the lap belt and boots Banda.