Visual electrophysiology is an objective, non-invasive method of assessing function in various mechanisms of the entire visual pathway.
Designed for a broad range of visual function assessments, EvokeDx uses conventional as well as novel, proprietary stimuli to illicit responses from discrete sub-divisions of neural visual pathways.
Clinical Applications
Central Vision Function
Clinical Benefits
Objective, non-invasive testing of the entire visual pathway
EvokeDx Clinical Benefits
Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) provide objective, quantitative information about central vision function in a non-invasive manner. This is new information that is complementary to the structural analysis obtained from technologies such as OCT and Fundus photography and augments subjective information from standard visual acuity and perimetry.
Electroretinograms (ERG) reflect the integrity of the optics, photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and retinal ganglion cells. Clinically, ERGs may be useful when patients have abnormal VEPs to differentiate between retinal dysfunction occurring in the optic nerve, optic radiations, and occipital cortex.
EvokeDx NextGen icVEP | VEP | ERG
EvokeDx® is the next generation icVEP + VEP + ERG device developed by Konan Medical and leading scientists in visual electrophysiology. Its compact, all-in-one form factor features numerous market-leading technologies including intuitive touch-screen user interface, Organic LED stimulus display, infrared gaze and attention monitoring, dual-channel amplifier, and powerful Fourier (Frequency domain) analytics with intuitive reporting. EvokeDx is a fresh approach to visual electrophysiology.