Designed to improve patient outcomes, CellChek D+ redefined specular microscopy in Eyebanking.
It was quickly and widely adopted by many of the world’s finest Eye Banks.
Clinical Applications
Donor cornea tissue assessment
Clinical Benefits
Provides remarkable views of endothelium, intra-stomal structure and the epithelium
For the first time, visualize blood cells, fungus, rough keratome cuts, dead cells, and epithelial anomalies
Introducing the first multi-imaging system for donor corneal analysis. CellChek D+ provides an amazing view into the cornea that simply has never been seen before defining structure of endothelium, stroma, and epithelium. Comprehensive imaging to assist both eye banks and corneal surgeons to make better decision on implantable material.
Now featured in Cornea June 2018 Supplement: Current and New Technologies in Corneal Donor Tissue Evaluation Comparative Image Atlas. Especially check out S7 “Wide-Field Ex Vivo Dual Imaging Microscopy.”
CellChek D+ features a patent applied for “Donor Enhance” imaging system that provides remarkable views of endothelium, intra-stomal structure, and the epithelium. The range of new information from which to make better clinical decisions is spectacular (pun intended): blood cells, fungus, rough keratome cuts, dead cells, epithelial anomalies. Never have we had this view of pre-implanted material. Corneal surgeons are finding this information to be illuminating in helping to understand graft success and failure.