K01 is a device for the muscular and analgesic electrostimulation of pets and horses.
In rehabilitation and veterinary physical therapy the electric current is used for two basic purposes: for the reduction of the pain perception and for the stimulation of excitable tissues (muscles).
The analgesic action is promotedby the electricity through the hyperpolarization of membrane, thanks to the Gate control theory, and by the hyperaemia and the increase of morphine-like mediators.
The device can restore the pet's physical coordination through biofeedback assessment and training. By comparing the healthy limb movement and the injured limb movement, targeted training of the injured parts to achieve the purpose of rehabilitation.图3
Electrotherapy's Role in Pets Rehabilitation
Electrotherapy can be used for wound healing, pain control or relief, reduction of inflammation, muscle re-education, reversal of atrophy and strengthening. This modality works at many levels, affecting both the sensory and motor nerves. At the cellular level, electrotherapy causes nerve cell excitation and changes in cell membrane permeability, therefore stimulating protein synthesis, osteosynthesis and fibroblast formation. At the tissue level, electrotherapy causes skeletal muscle and smooth muscle contraction. At the segmental level, it facilitates muscle-pumping action, resulting in improved joint mobility as well as circulatory and lymphatic drainage.