Pharma companies are forced to adapt their production to a schedule-oriented operating model. Synchronizing operations with supporting activities requires a tight integration of scheduled activities with the actual as-is status of the production – as provided by Werum PAS-X Scheduler.
PAS-X Scheduler allows users to generate optimized plans, both in terms of lead-time for fulfilling orders and production costs, with customizable heuristics. To provide today’s best-of-the-breed solutions, sedApta’s Factory Scheduler is now integrated into Werum PAS-X MES, covering the whole production planning process.
Key functionalities
Allows for automatic temporal positioning of production orders
Makes it possible to intervene on business criticalities
Performs the scheduling of production activities
Allocates production orders by minimizing setups
Generates production plans using heuristic rules and constraints
Allows the user to force the work plan in a simple and intuitive way
Determines the fulfilment dates for each customer order
Allows for structured top-down analysis
Workforce scheduling
Generation of feasible and optimized work plans
Efficiency gains
Decreased equipment queue times and plant setup
Supplier management
Increased quality and promptness of supplier reminders