High silver alloy which contains a mixture of spherical and irregular particles. Predosed in self activating capsules. Gamma-2 free. It has 3 spill
options as spill 1, spill 2 and spill 3
Technical Properties
Compressive Strength :
1h< 397 MPo
24h < 437 MPo
Creep : % 0.99
Dimensional change During Hardening : %0.99
Category: Dental Amalgam
Tags: amalgam capsule, Capsule Amalgam, Dental Amalgam, dental composite capsules, dental turkey, kuantadental
Stress bearing fillings in posterior teeth (Class I and II)
Retrograde root canal filling after apex resection
Mixtureofspherical and irregtor paticles
High silver content
Exceptionoly durable
Easy to procers
Reletively fast hardening.
%69,2 Ag %18,6 Sn %11,9 Cu %0,3 Zn
%69,2 Ag %18,9 Sn %11,9 Cu (Zinc Free)
50 or 500 capsule in a jar
50 capsule in a carton box
50 or 100 capsule in a nylon bag