The Kuhner TOM (Transfer-Rate Online Measurement) provides online measurements of the oxygen transfer rate (OTR), carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR), and respiratory quotient (RQ) for up to 16 individual shake flasks in a Kuhner incubator. The TOM provides the user with a better understanding of any bioprocess and allows for more efficient and effective optimization during process development. It is easily installed in any Kuhner shaker and is compatible with a variety of different shake flask types and sizes, including single use shake flasks.
Facts about Kuhner TOM
Measures online OTR, CTR and RQ for up to 16 shake flasks
Modular design: choose between 4, 8, 12 or 16 shake flasks
Zero footprint on the shaker tray, TOM is mounted above the shake flasks
Robust: durable sensors and static electronics
Available for Kuhner ISF1-Z, LT-X and Kuhner Kelvin+ incubators
Various glass and single use flasks can be connected
Option: Individual aeration for each shake flask with humidity and CO2 controlled air from the incubator
The modularity of the Kuhner TOM allows the user to choose online measurements from 4, 8, 12, or 16 shake flasks. The TOM itself is mounted above the shake flasks and requires no space on the shaking platform, maximizing the capacity for shake flasks in the incubator.