YongYue’s Antigen Extraction Tube is used to smear single or multiple droplets on the transverse flow detection cylinder for rapid detection of nursing points. One of the routine procedures for the diagnosis of infection involves the collection and detection of swab samples.The tube and the dispenser together form a complete device for mixing buffers and samples collected with nasopharyngeal swabs for detection based on covid-19 antigen. These Acid Extraction Tubes provide a consistent drop size as the buffer solution is distributed into the device.
Antigen Extraction testing procedure
1.Take out the 3ml Antigen Release Extraction Tube or 5ml Antigen Release Extraction Tube, add extraction solution into the extraction tube.
2.Insert the swab into the nose and gently rotate the swab around the inside for around 5-10 seconds.
3.Insert the swab sample into the extraction tube, rotate the swab at least 10 times for about 1 minute and squeeze the tube 5 times by hand to ensure that the sample on the sampling swab is fully eluted into the sample extraction solution.
4.Remove the swab and squeeze the sides of extraction tube to keep the liquid in the tube as much as possible.
5.Cover the dripper of the extraction tube tightly.
6.Gently invert the Extraction Vial five times just before applying the sample to the Test Strip.
7.Dispense 80µL (3 drops) of the specimen into the sample well on the cassette, and start the timer.
8.Interpret the test results at 10~15 minutes.