K-ETCHANT Syringe is used to etch tooth enamel and dentin. It can as well be used to clean ceramics, hybrid ceramics and cured composites for adhesive restorations.
The new K-ETCHANT Syringe etchant contains 35% phosphoric acid. Thanks to its thixotropic properties, you can apply the etching very precisely. The etching remains exactly where it is applied. This gives you full control over the application. With the new narrow (0.5 mm) 'needle tip' you apply with extreme precision. Etching has never been so precise!
• Thixotropic properties provide controlled appliction
• 35% phosphoric acid
• Etching of enamel, especially uncut enamel and dentin
• Cleaning of the ceramic, hybrid ceramic, composite resin or metal restoration surface
• Activation of the surface of silica-based ceramic or composite resin restorations