CLEARFIL MAJESTY™ ES-2 Premium will make your restorations a predictable success, thanks to the fixed shade combinations of Dentin and Enamel.
The shade-matching ability of CLEARFIL MAJESTY™ ES-2 Premium covers a group of shades through the fixed shade combination of D + E. CLEARFIL MAJESTY™ ES-2 Premium is a composite with a unique shade concept “approved” by VITA™.
One Premium shade combination covers no less than three VITA™ shades. Unbelievable, but true – with CLEARFIL MAJESTY™ ES-2 universal composite concept, you substitute no less than three VITA™ shades with a single Premium Enamel + Dentin shade combination. This is made possible by developing shade groups, based on brightness, of three shades each.
A combination of dual-shade, A2E and A2D enables you to make a C1, D2 and A2 shade restoration. Furthermore, you can make these esthetical restorations without any complicated shade schemes and formulas. You just copy enamel and dentin. An astonishing innovation!
Main Benefits
Filler content 66% vol. (78% wt.)
Shelf life: four years
VITA-approved colours
Easy modelling
No colour change during polymerisation
Working time: 4.5 minutes (4,5 min under operatory light)
Excellent polishing properties
Main Indications
Direct restorations for all cavity classes in anterior and posterior teeth
Direct veneers
Correction of tooth position and tooth shape (e.g. diastema closure, peg teeth, etc.)
Intraoral repairs of fractured restorations