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Guinea pig animal research cage Super Rat 1400™
for micemodularventilated

guinea pig animal research cage
guinea pig animal research cage
guinea pig animal research cage
guinea pig animal research cage
guinea pig animal research cage
guinea pig animal research cage
guinea pig animal research cage
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Animal type
for mice, for guinea pigs
Other characteristics


Designed Primarily For Housing Rats, Offering Species-Flexible™ Housing Capability. High density housing with up to 80 individually ventilated cages per system. Yields large rat populations with Species-Flexible™ versatility to also house, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs in one mobile rack. Delivers low velocity HEPA filtered air to each cage while capturing cage effluent air. Prevents cage air from entering the room and room air from entering cages, protecting animals and personnel. Innovative cages designed with minimal components, simplifying handling, reducing inventory and increasing productivity. Observe animals with an unobstructed view of cage interiors, without having to remove cages from a rack.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.