Benchtop style
Stainless steel interior
2 Adjustable shelves
Labcold Alarm and Control System
7-day chart recorder
Dual temperature display with load simulator
Blood audit interface
Core temperature action alarm
Certified Medical Device in accordance with EU Directive 93/42/EEC and is compliant with BS4376: Part 1:1991
The smallest Blood Bank refrigerator in the Labcold range, this stainless steel lined blood bank is ideal for storing small quantities of red blood cells safely and securely.
Adjustable shelves behind clear inner doors ensure stable storage temperatures during door openings, whilst allowing rapid checking of stocks through glass door. Supplied with a key pad lockable door.
Although the smallest unit in our range this model is a certified Medical Device in accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC and is compliant with BS4376: Part 1:1991.
LABCOLD’S UNIQUE ALARM AND CONTROL SYSTEM is fitted providing a constant check of all important performance parameters with clear symbol displays of normal operation or alarm status.
A touch panel display constantly shows both chamber and liquid load simulator temperatures. A mutable, audible alarm is standard and remote alarm contacts are provided to integrate with compatible external systems.
Optional accessory basket ref: BABB4005 (each holds 4 x 300ml bags; 6 per refrigerator). This item is available at additional cost and does not form part of the standard specification.