ChillSafe the name of the best in Danish Cooling; Cryo and Cooling baths and Circulators. The ChillSafe range offers cooling down to -30°C; -50°C and -90°C in bath sizes in 8 or 18 liter, with cooling capacities from 600 to 1200 watts.
A choice of Controller-Circulators (Safety Class 3), for external circulation with adjustable temperature setting, over-temperature protection, and pump capacity of 17 l/min at 350 mbar are available in 2 versions 2000 Series or 4000 Series where the “4000” can be connected to a computer a do controlled rate heating and cooling.
A wide range of accessories which include Flex-trays and clamps for flasks and test tube racks, as well as Kits for external circulation.
These Controller- Circulators and Accessories are compatible with and can retro-fit the ”Old” Heto models - contact us for advice.