Goby™ EQ is the smart choice for clinic use, allowing you to focus on the patient while enjoying true freedom of movement.
Supports best practices in single patient use of consumables to minimize risk of cross-infection and/or cross-transmission
Catheter compatibility for quality urodynamic studies
Supports traceability, removes need for manual entry, reducing errors while automating workflow
Procedure Type: Uroflow with EMG
EMG: 1 channel at up to 1,000 Hz
Electrodes: Snap or Lead wire patch electrodes for EMG recording
Other Disposables: Graduated beakers
Computer: Laptop, Windows 10 64-bit LTSB, 15.4″ LCD screen
Laptop, Urocap & Roam include medical isolation power supplies (PSUs)
Power: 110V – 220V
Optional Accessories: Inkjet Printer, PVC or Folding Commode, Flowmeter Stand, Straps or Lanyards