NeoNatalie is an inflatable simulator designed to teach basic neonatal resuscitation skills. Developed to meet the key requirements for teaching the initial steps of resuscitation in the first ten minutes of a newborn’s life, NeoNatalie is an effective, cost-efficient tool to enhance your training program.
Improving birthing outcomes
NeoNatalie is a low-cost, highly portable, and realistic manikin that helps health workers learn and practice standard newborn care and resuscitation measures to better handle birth asphyxia.
NeoNatalie, paired with the Helping Mothers Survive and Helping Babies Survive training programs, facilitates key skills practice that can significantly improve birth outcomes for women and babies.
Correct mask placement
NeoNatalie’s chest will only rise with the correct resuscitation technique. This enables more effective bag-mask ventilation training and greater confidence and competence in health worker’s abilities to resuscitate asphyxiated babies after this practice.
Low-fidelity simulation training
Including features such as spontaneous breathing, palpable umbilical pulse, and crying, NeoNatalie can be used for role-play scenarios such as normal post-birth care and standard resuscitation.
Heartrate, Breathing and Crying
NeoNatalie comes with squeeze bulbs that allow training facilitators to simulate spontaneous breathing, making NeoNatalie’s chest rise and fall, palpable umbilical pulse, and crying. These improve simulations of caring for babies at birth, allowing trainees to accurately respond to different scenarios.
Ideal for simulation Training
NeoNatalie can be used for role-play scenarios such as normal post-birth care,