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The Radiation Dosimetry Report provides dose of record information for participants wearing dosimeters and is generated when dosimeters are returned to LANDAUER for analysis. Reports can be retrieved electronically and provide deep dose equivalent, lens dose equivalent and shallow dose equivalent data.
• Purpose: The Radiation Dosimetry Report provides dose of record information for participants wearing radiation monitoring dosimeters. This report is generated every time a customer returns dosimeters to Landauer for analysis.
• NVLAP Lab Code 100518-0 indicates that Landauer is an accredited dosimeter processor.
• The report is generated and mailed to the primary reporting address at the subaccount level.
I don’t see any numbers for my doses. I only see an “M.” What does “M” mean?
“M” stands for minimal, meaning that after the Control Subtraction, the resulting Occupational Dose was below the Minimal Reporting capabilities of the dosimeter. For example, Minimal Reporting threshold for Luxel+ is 1 mrem (0.01 mSv).
I am looking at my report and I don’t see any doses, I only see “Unused.” What does “Unused” mean?
The “Unused” note indicates that the dosimeter was not used for the specific wear period. Landauer
identifies any dosimeter returned to Landauer in the original cellophane wrapper as unused. The unused dosimeter is processed but the dose is not shown on the report. Also, the dose is not included in the dose accumulation for the participant.