The OmniBone™ Coaxial Bone Biopsy Kit is used with the OmniBone™ rechargeable Power Driver and is intended for bone biopsy procedures. It is fully powerdriven.
The OmniBone™ biopsy kit is also a coaxial system. It combines an introducer and a biopsy needle. Once the introducer is in place, the inner part of the introducer is removed and the biopsy needle is inserted in the cannula allowing multiple biopsies to be performed while using the same access.
A unique patented perforating introducer allows an immediate purchase of the bone; thanks to its aggressive patented design it creates very little heat friction.
Product Description:
The OmniBone™ biopsy kit with Power Driver is available in 11 Gauge and three lengths (6.5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm).
Each bone biopsy kit includes:
A needle tray includes an introducer with a sharp tip cannula and a slotted-angle sharp tip stylet, a biopsy trephine needle and an ejector pin.
a coupler and a sterile pouch.