Downdraft worktop
Removable perforated panels
Sump wash down
Cut up bench
Stainless steel 316 worktop
Bespoke design available
The LEEC Ventilated Specimen / Cut Up Bench is made of stainless-steel construction with a perforated downdraught ventilated area to remove hazardous fumes and odours. The extract is provided within a sump, situated under the worktop with the option to include a sink bowl at either end. This style of bench is commonly used as a mounting table.
This unit is designed to be tailored to your needs with varying options this includes height adjustment, airflow alarms and a sink bowl.
LEEC Limited know that everyone’s needs are unique and not always as simple as picking an item from a catalogue, that is why we manufacture most of this type of equipment on a 'built-to-order’ basis which gives our clients tailor-made, bespoke engineered solutions.
We always welcome the opportunity to review and discuss your working practices and specific requirements to create a product that is fit for purpose.
Height adjustable Various height adjustment distances available
Airflow alarm Low level alarms
Splashback Rear & side upstands
Slide mounting rack Specimen slide stand
Tap Various taps
Power sockets Country specific
Sparge wash Under tray sump low flow wash
Formalin Systems Holding / Mixing / Dispensing / Disposal systems
Hydro Aspirator Mounted at bench height
Macerator Mounted at the sink waste