Isolator for Active Pharmaceutical ingredients is an equipment dedicated either to the handling of toxic / harmful pharmaceutical powders or to the handling of sterile products.
It is composed of two separated environments, one dedicated to the proper handling, the other to the inlet / outlet of products. Each environment is provided with a vertical - unidirectional air flow ventilation device ISO 5 class (complying ISO 14644).
The accurate internal aerodynamics make this device suitable for precision weighing operations, eliminating the problem of air speed influence on pans of precision balance.
Work desks, removable, are made with AISI 304 or AISI 316 pipes in order to make cleaning operations easy and effective.
Under work desks there is a collection tank for powders or for washing / sanitizing solutions.
Unit design allows to guarantee a self-safe functioning in both conditions of works (positive - negative pressures).
Moreover unit external surfaces cleaning characteristics allow its use inside classified environments ISO5 .